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Eye See You: Raising Cataract Awareness

More than half a million Australians are affected by cataracts, but this eye disorder does not always have to spell doom and gloom. Whether you are affected by cataracts yourself, or it has been diagnosed in a loved one, this is the place to learn more about cataracts to raise awareness about this issue. From the reason for cataracts to treatment options, there is plenty to read up on here. A cataract diagnosis is not an automatic blindness diagnosis, so take the time to educate yourself about this medical problem so that any diagnosis is met head-on with positivity and optimism.


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Eye See You: Raising Cataract Awareness

Prescription Glasses Vs. Contacts: Which Option Is Best?

by Carole Roberts

If you have been experiencing eye problems, your eye specialist may recommend that you wear prescription glasses or contact lenses. Although these two options vary, they are both designed to assist patients in correcting their vision. However, for most patients, choosing one of these visual aids isn't always easy. You have to consider essential factors like budget, lifestyle, comfort, aesthetics and convenience before making a decision. Moreover, technological advancements and updated formulas have made contact lenses more wearable and comfortable than ever before. Prescription glasses have also become a fashionable accessory, and that's the reason some people have several glasses to match their different dressing styles.

But, before you choose, it's important to note that neither of the options is necessarily better than another — both have their unique pros and cons when it comes to eye health, ease of use, vision. The following contact lenses and prescription glasses facts should help you make an informed decision.

Contact lens facts

Contact lenses are a suitable option for people who don't want to add anything to their faces. Although some people enjoy wearing glasses, others do struggle to keep them on, and they may also not like the new look. Another benefit you will experience is clear vision. When you wear contacts, your vision will be unobstructed. Moreover, issues like breakage or falls will not be a problem, particularly if you are an active person.

Contacts also come in different forms, so you can choose to wear them on a part-time or full-time basis. They also aren't sensitive to temperature or weather changes, so even if it starts raining, your vision will remain the same. This is a benefit people who wear glasses do not enjoy.

However, it's essential to note that contact wearers risk getting eye infections. The contacts can also be irritating and can require lots of maintenance and care.

Prescription glasses facts

Whenever people get eye problems, the first thing they consider is to get eyeglasses. Glasses are convenient and easy to use. You can easily take them off. Glasses come in different designs and colours, meaning you can make your choice depending on your preferences. Your eye doctor can also customise them to suit your needs. For instance, you can get glasses that will also your eyes from harmful sources of light.

Wearing eyeglasses minimises your risk of developing eye problems. This is because glasses can't come into contact with the inner parts of the eye, which reduces the risk of infection. All you need to do is wash or wipe them whenever they are dirty.
