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Eye See You: Raising Cataract Awareness

More than half a million Australians are affected by cataracts, but this eye disorder does not always have to spell doom and gloom. Whether you are affected by cataracts yourself, or it has been diagnosed in a loved one, this is the place to learn more about cataracts to raise awareness about this issue. From the reason for cataracts to treatment options, there is plenty to read up on here. A cataract diagnosis is not an automatic blindness diagnosis, so take the time to educate yourself about this medical problem so that any diagnosis is met head-on with positivity and optimism.


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Eye See You: Raising Cataract Awareness

How Are Your Eyes? Signs You Need An Eye Exam

by Carole Roberts

If you haven't had an eye exam in a while, and you don't think you need one, you might be mistaken. You may not realize this, but there are quite a few reasons to have an eye exam. However, how often you should have your eyes examined depends on your age. For instance, if you're over the age of 65, you should have an eye exam about once a year. In addition to your basic eye exam, there are other reasons to have your eyes examined. Read the list provided below. If you've experienced any of the issues described here, it's time for an eye exam. 

Your Computer Gives You a Headache

If your work requires you to be on the computer for the better part of the day, but you've recently started getting headaches, it might be time for an eye exam. Computer use can cause a condition known as computer vision syndrome. Over time, computer use can cause eye strain, headaches, and blurred vision. During an eye exam, you should tell your optometrist about any computer-related vision problems you experience. 

You've Developed Motion Sickness

If you've recently developed motion sickness, the first thing you should do is visit your primary care doctor. There may be a physical ailment that's causing the motion sickness. If your doctor gives you a clean bill of health, you need to schedule an eye exam. You may not know this, but vision problems can actually cause you to experience motion sickness. Binocular vision dysfunction is one vision problem that can lead to motion sickness. Your optometrist can diagnose the problem and prescribe the right treatment plan. 

You Have a New Medical Diagnosis

If you've been diagnosed with a new medical condition, now is the time to schedule an eye exam. There are some medical conditions that can increase your risk for vision problems. Diabetes is one of those conditions. Frequent eye exams, and the right treatment, can help protect your eyes from damage. 

You Can No Longer Drive at Night

If you've experienced vision-related problems that have affected your ability to drive at night, don't wait to schedule an eye exam. Vision loss can affect your ability to see at night, which can make it unsafe for you to operate a vehicle after dark. An eye exam will help to diagnose the issue, which will allow your optometrist to provide the right vision correction treatment. 
